immagine motivante

Look inside your business

"There is no favorable wind for the sailor who doesn’t know where to go ."


All ways of living your company...

Discover our software solutions

Software Solutions


the TASKS PLANNING according to Iride Progetti

Discover the task planner

what we are


We put passion and soul into all our work; we are a company that wants to grow for companies that want to grow!


For over ten years we offer to our customers our know-how, our knowledge and our personal vision of the future.


The solutions are not always at hand, the more often we have to chase untravelled roads, implement ideas generated by our ingenuity and creativity, making them simple and accessible to all.


Every our work is an original creation and the result of the mind of a young, dynamic team that is not content easily!


Every detail helps make everything perfect. We value each individual item, without ever losing sight of our goal.


We know how to listen and recognize the quality of our interlocutors, understanding deeply needs and demands, suggesting the best roads to take to get the most out of every innovation.

What we are not


Repeat every day a script already seen and recline on preordained solutions is not for us! Originality is the strong point of our products is what makes us stand out from the crowd and create that added value essential to the success of each project.


We like to get inside each project and study in minute detail, leaving nothing to chance.


Limit where possible the use of paper to make every job faster, smart and intuitive.


Use the latest technology to allow unlimited adaptability on any media “fixed and mobile” PCs, tablets, smartphones, without limitations.


We like to meet the needs of all our customers, with solutions that are not standard, but well-tailored to the needs, the needs and possibilities of who we face.

Creature of habit

Growing up is our mission, keep us updated and abreast with the times to allow, to those who trust us, you stay ahead and make your company a reference in its sector.


Software solution suite

Order management / manufactoring management:

Order management / manufactoring management:

Product knowledge and know-how related to them are the great wealth of the companies and represent the true value to manage and protect. This means devoting to them the right tool capable of coordinate every step of the production, to manage the timing and actual costs to see in real time the progress of their orders, eliminating any fatalities, optimize operating costs and increasing exponentially the efficiency of the entire production chain.

Warehouse management CELLA:

Warehouse management CELLA:

'CELL' is our software application that enables inventory management in a totally innovative, via tablets, smartphones and touch devices. Multi-user and capable of communicating between different plants of the company and the office, to better manage the loading and unloading of goods, to maintain a scrupulous historical of each handling of materials, all this in a manner easy to use!

Documents storage

Documents storage

To have the files always available, stored in the cloud in a fast, economical and reliable; our software is designed to make easier the management, cataloging, searching and sharing of your documents through a tool easy to use, pleasant to use and accessible from any device (like tablets and mobiles) and to have everything you always need just a click away!

Schedule and reminder

Schedule and reminder

Keep in mind all deadlines related to our work has never been so simple! With our software you can carry out a careful and exact planning of activities to do, share it with your staff and facilitate their development to be able to optimize time and save energy through fast data access, intuitive and complete and a stable and secure solution that grows in line with its business.

CRM customer, prospect and contact management:

CRM customer, prospect and contact management:

Today, there is no business strategy that is not based on a database able to manage network and relationships enriched with the right information and agile to use. Our software allows you to keep all contacts in a centralized and effective way of multiple synchronously send direct e-mail communications and the use of "reminder function" for important information through an ad-hoc service push notifications.

Tickets (task management, post sales, complaints, non-compliance)

Tickets (task management, post sales, complaints, non-compliance)

With Iride Progetti can take up your time, relying on the software solution to manage post-sales services, complaints and non-compliance, through technology "web based" accessible from any terminal, like tabltes ando mobiles. Equipped with agile and nice interface is able to make easily manageable complaints and/or reports of its customers and to generate, in an absolutely purposeful perspective, a series of internal company memos activities avoiding all those continuous highly harmful disruptions for optimizing the timing and achievement of objectives.

For more information about the software of after sales and ticket management:

Attendance with tablets and smartphones

Attendance with tablets and smartphones

Thanks to our innovative software, you can know in real time the staff attendance, look at the information from anywhere and at any time, through a simple smartphone or tablet, to work in a convenient and flexible.
"IRIDAY" allows you to cancel the lengthy manual compilation of the attendance sheet and avoid the data transcription errors, giving the ability to easily download your documents in Excel format. This helps streamline and economize on staff management activities as well as allows a greater control over their business, even where its employees have different work locations or work off-site.

SKEDA: the production planning and scheduling software

The proper production planning, allows to optimize the performance of machines and people, to reduce costs, to make the company more efficient, and customers more satisfied .

SKEDA allows PLANNING PRODUCTION and BALANCE WORK LOAD, for operator and machine, so simple and intuitive. The data are summarized in a Gantt chart of the planned tasks, where you can compare in real time with the progress.

The data is stored in the cloud and can easily be shared. The entire system can also be managed remotely via tablets and dedicated App.

If you want to deepen visit the website


Custom software


Each company has specific and exclusive features that form its identity and make it original and unique.

The Iride Progetti commitment is to develop programs that effectively address all the needs that may be encountered in the workplace, able to meet the specific requirements of each reality, there where any other standard tool is not able to arrive.

After in-depth analysis of each case, following the design of the software in all its features and capabilities, to make it as immediate as possible, friendly and enjoyable to use.

Software development and testing are fundamental to verify the performance of the software and the actual added value to the customer.

Depending on the project, follow the direct training to relevant staff; although we would like to say that our tools are so immediate and user friendly almost no need training.

The software support that Iride Progetti guarantees its customers is continuous and safe over time, to never leave them alone, quickly responding to any need to be born in time.

We guarantee maximum economic efficiency through services that optimize performance with cropped tailored solutions for their projects and desires, through an approach “agile” with gradual release of functionality suitable for business of all sizes.


Other services

Cloud services

Services in Cloud saves on server costs (purchase, licensing, maintenance, updates, electricity etc) with maximum security, flexibility and usability of the data...

App mobile

Iride Progetti develops mobile applications for Android and iOS. Solutions for use throughout mobility, on and off line, multimedia App for companies...

Web Development

Iride Progetti is also Web Agency and Web Development. We accompany the Companies in the choice of technology and the most useful strategy to achieve the goals set...

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